Friday, 12 January 2018

Resolution Activated

Last week I grudgingly allowed myself to persuade me (how schizophrenic is that?) to make a New Year's Resolution - not to waste time.  I'm pleased to report that, a whole week and more into the year, I'm keeping to it.  This has been a really positive week, not only in how much I've fitted into it, but also in plans that have been made for the future, as well as in my general attitude to life.

The weekend was fairly normal, with the resumption of the coffee morning at church on the first Saturday of the month, when we were treated this month to a video of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) as well as the usual background music, provided by a volunteer pianist.  Later I skipped a chilling afternoon at a ringing meeting in favour of updating the background data for my regular investment analysis exercise.

Sunday's regular monthly duty may soon be coming to an end.  The old lady whom I've been taking to church on a rota basis is looking to begin driving again, and enquired of me where I get my car serviced.  In preference to explaining where the place was, I decided it was just as easy to drive round on our way home.  It was only a mile or so out of my way, but she was pleased as punch when she realised how convenient it would be to get to.  Now all that remains is to see whether she will act on the information.

Last Friday I had made my two-yearly visit to the opticians, where it was decided that I would need a new pair of reading specs.  Easiest and cheapest would be to replace the lenses in the pair I already have and, to my amazement, I had a call on Monday afternoon to say they were ready!  At the time I was in the middle of following up some matters decided upon at a Health & Safety meeting in the morning, so elected to collect them the following day.

As well as collecting the glasses, I reacted to the arrival of a catalogue in Tuesday's post to order some new clothes and, perhaps providentially, a parallel occurrence on Wednesday led to me following up an advert in a magazine that arrived, the outcome of which was that, after the first home-group meeting of the new year, I made a booking for a coach holiday.  I had a choice of May or September, and chose the former; I hope the weather will be kind.  I couldn't face waiting all through the summer months for a late holiday after the schools have resumed.  That doesn't affect me directly, of course, but it's sign that winter is on its way, and - in my mind at least - that the holiday season is past.

Yesterday's plans were comprehensively upset, and I was pleased with the way I coped with that.  Thursday is usually the day for monitoring my pension investments.  (That fund may not be large, but it's very lovingly looked after!)  The operation usually takes less than an hour, but as I went through the first stages this week, I noticed something wrong.  A little less haste, and a bit of digging, revealed that, although the process itself was working, it was churning out rubbish because of a few minor but quite significant changes to the names of some of the funds - one of which had evaded detection in mid-December!

By the time I'd worked out what was happening, decided how best to remedy the situation, overcome a computer crash, and put things right, it took nearer six hours rather than the one I'd expected.  However, all is now well, and vigilance against the recurrence of such sabotage is heightened!

Other achievements yesterday included the production of a batch of meals to re-stock the freezer and stop me going hungry for a few more weeks (it's not really that serious, but it sounds good!), and also making bookings for some theatre visits near and far in the coming months, following the arrival of yet another tempting item of post!

I recalled this morning a friendship long ago which taught me so much.  One day, as we sat watching TV, I asked if I might put my arm around her.  She said, in effect, 'If there's something you want to do, try it.  The worst that can happen is that I say no, or not now, and explain why not.'  I put my arm around her, and it wasn't rejected.  That lesson has stayed with me ... although, I confess, I've sometimes strayed into the byways of 'can't do' and 'wouldn't get away with'.  This week has prompted awareness of things I can do - some noted here, and others besides - and has brought with it happiness and a sense of achievement.  Long may it continue!

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